1 Hello World!
Course link Girraffe Academy
- install python 3 and pycharm
- choose interpreter python 3
- create a python file
- print{“Hello, World!"}
- Set variables (easy and any where, could be rewrite) (xx = xx)
- is_Male = Ture / False (careful with the capital letter)
2 string
- string variables "”
- ex. abc = “string test”
- any marks in "" can be achieved by \
- string fuctions: abc.lower(), abc.upper(), abc.isupper(), combination is also ok
- lens(abc), abc[0], strat with 0, check the text, vs. abc. index(“t”), the first t position will be found. abc.replcace(“test”, “variable”)
3 number
- numbers
- basic calculation works, print(3 * (4 + 5))
- remainder, print(10 % 3)
- define number variable, my_num = 28
- convert number to string, str(my_num)
- print out only can excute for same variables
- ex, print(abc + my_num) will not work
- absolute value, abs(my_num)
- pow(3, 2), 3 *3
- max(2, 3), find the max one, vs. min(2, 3)
- round(3.2), get 3, round number
- import (external) python math (module): from math import *
- floor(3.8), ceil(3.8), sqrt(36)
4 input
- name = input(“Enter your name: “)
- age = input(“Enter your age: “)
- print (“Hello " + name + “! You are " + age + “.")
- multiple input available
5 calculator
- default input is considered as string, so by calcu, convert number.
- int(), float()
- num1 = input(“Enter a number: “)
- num1 = input(“Enter a number: “)
- result = float(num1) + float(num2)
- print(result)
6 mad libs game
- color = input(“Enter a color: “)
- plural_noun = input(“Enter a plural noun: “)
- celebrity = input(“Enter a celebrity: “)
- print(“Rose are " + color)
- print(plural_noun + " are blue”)
- print(“I love " + celebrity)
7 list
friends = [“Kevin”, “Karen”, “Jim”, “Oscar”]
negative number also works [-1] is last one, [0] is the first one
[1:3], only grab 1, and 2, not 3!
list fuctions
lucky_numbers = “[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]”
friends = [“Kevin”, “Karen”, “Jim”, “Oscar”]
friends.extend(lucky_numbers) merge two list
friends.append(“Creed”) add in the end
friends.insert(1, “Kelly”) insert with position
friends.pop() remove the last element
friends.sort() Alfabet and number order
friends.reverse() reverse the order
friends2 = friends.copy()
8 tuples
coordinates = (4, 5)
tuple object does not support item assignment
list vs. tuple, [] vs. ()
tuple is not mutable
9 functions
- c
MOOC Python网络爬虫与信息提取
- requests
- robots.txt
- Beautiful Soup
- Projects
- Re
- Scrapy